.post()나 .get() 대신 .ajax()를 사용하여 property에 async:false 를 주는 수도 있지만,

 애초에 jQuery의 ajaxSetup 옵션을 변경하여 처리할수도 있다고 한다.

You can put the JQuery's AJAX setup in synchronous mode by calling


and then perform your ajax calls using jQuery.get( ... );

then just turning it on again once

I guess it works out the same thing as suggested by @Adam but might be helpful to someone that does want to reconfigure their jQuery.get() or jQuery.post() to the more elaborate jQuery.ajax() syntax

제보자 : OZ6th 김광수형님

출처 : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/133310/how-can-i-get-jquery-to-perform-a-synchronous-rather-than-asynchronous-ajax-req
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